FAQ’s & Studio Policies

Frequently Asked Questions ⇢


What do I wear to my First Pole Class?!

In a beginner pole class, we suggest yoga pants or leggings. The more advanced you become in pole technique and skill, the less clothes you’ll wear- after your beginner series, keep a pair of close fitting shorts in your bag. Please remember to take your jewelry off. Belly rings and weddings bands can get damaged and also harm the poles. Dangly earrings and necklaces should be removed too!

**You do not need shoes for your first class. Socks or barefeet will do!

Memberships only? Can I just drop-in to take class?

We are a membership only space, however brand new Thrive students and non members should begin with our “4- week Beginner Series” or “Beginner Experience”. If you are not a member you are welcome to sign up for workshops, special events and parties. All weekly drop in classes are available to our members only. Party inquires should send us an email through the website. We do not allow walk-ins. All students must be registered for class.

I’m running late or need to cancel class. What do I do?

Students are permitted into class up to 5 minutes from the start time. Please try not to be more than 5 minutes late as it is a distraction for you, other students as well as the instructor. Anyone showing up after the 5 minute mark will not be permitted into class and you will not be credited back said class. Weekly classes can be cancelled up to 12 hours without penalty. After the 12 hour mark, you lose your class credit. A $15 fee will be applied to every late cancel, which gets auto debited on your card on file automatically the next day in our booking system. No show No call is subject to a $20 fee.

Do I need heels?

Heels are not necessary unless otherwise instructed/ required during class sign up or specific series.

The 4-Week Beginner Series or Beginner Experience does not require shoes of any kind. Sock may be helpful during both pole and stretching class, but bare feet are recommended.

A Note About Lotions & Grip:

Please do not use any oils or lotions on the body at least 8 hours prior to a pole class as this will deter proper grip. There are a few products that may be used that does not make the skin oily or slippery. Ask your instructor or the front desk staff.

Can I bring snacks to class?

Only water based products should be in movement part of the studio. All other food and beverages should be consumed in the back lounge. Please, No gum! If you need a snack in between classes (we are big snack fans!) there is space in the lounge in the back and a comfy blue couch to munch and recharge on.

Studio Guidelines ⇢

Code of Conduct

Students and clients of Thrive Embodied Arts should not only respect each other and the instructor/staff when in studio, but also themselves. Stepping into the studio space enters you in agreement with the policies and procedures in place both energetically and legally. This includes verbiage that is unkind and unwelcome. Students are not allowed to spot one another unless they have taken a proper spotting class. Spotting will be used with precautions of social distancing for the time being. No fighting or arguing in the studio, which includes escalated political disagreements in an unkind exchange. Conversation and disagreements are welcome when appropriate, aggressive dialogue is not. This is a studio built on inclusiveness, welcoming women of all shapes, sizes, ages, demographics, sexual orientation, and cultural backgrounds. Anyone found acting or speaking in a way to create an environment that is hostile, disempowering, shameful, rude or unwelcoming to anyone will be asked to leave immediately without compensation. Please report any instances you encounter or witness to the studio owner.

In-Studio Energy of Presence

Thrive Embodied Arts was created to be an oasis from your daily life. Please refrain from texting, scrolling through the gram, answering calls, obsessively checking your apple watch etc while you are in class and class is in session. If you must do either, please use the back lounge or bathroom to do so. We totally understand emergencies and we totally understand habits too. Please check in with yourself here. Please let us know if you need to keep your phone close to you. 

Age/ Gender

Thrive Embodied Arts is fiercely feminine in energy, not biology. We welcome all gender identifications who feel drawn to exploring this art. Our weekly classes and series are rooted in sensuality and exploration but are non linear for those looking to engage in embodied practices.  We do not allow minors, even if they are with an adult. (some specialty workshops and Healing Art Society Experiences may include those under the age of 18 but will be specified in description)

Age is required when signing up for an account and the waiver requires the client to attest to being 18 years of age or older. If the studio questions the age of the client, the studio reserves the right to ask for identification or proof of age.

Late/Cancelation Policy

What is considered a late cancel or late?

Weekly classes have a 12 hour late cancel window. 

You will not be permitted into class 5 minutes past the start time- this goes for all workshops and long form experiences as well. We strongly value people’s busy schedules- we know how hard it is for some of you to get to the studio for that one sacred hour and want to deliver you the best experience. Having a tight late policy supports this. 

Late Cancel & No Show Fees

  • No show no call fee for weekly classes $20

  • No call no show for Coven Classes or Soulful Saturday is subject to a fee the cost of the class; $30. 

  • Late cancels $15  (12 hours before weekly class

Start time)

• Private lessons and one on one sessions require 48 hours notice, other wise are subject to completing payment for the full cost of the service.

  • Early cancels for weekly/ membership classes can be used for other weekly/membership classes. You must early cancel through your registered account.  

Late Cancels

  • Weekly classes - 12 hours

  • Beginner Series & any Beginner Experience are non-refundable & non transferrable. Certain circumstances may offer a rescheduling opportunity with a rescheduling fee, however this is not guaranteed. No calls no shows will not be rescheduled.

  • All workshops - 7 days workshop credit; non-refundable. Visiting instructor workshops are non refundable non transferable.

  • Wild Within Signature Programming - Non-refundable, Non transferrable.

  • Intensives and Retreats are Non-refundable and non trasnferrable.

Need to cancel or Freeze your Membership?

Freezes are gifted for up to 3 months for medical leave or pregnancy only with adequate documentation. We are no longer able to honor financial freezes (please see early termination options). 

Freezes will obtain a $25 a month auto debit fee for each month frozen paid monthly. 

$25 fee to activate freeze. 

Failed Membership payments and Kickbacks 

If an auto debit is unable to be processed for your membership, and it is not due to our system (we know this depending on the error code we receive and fees we get on our end), an additional fee of $30 for every chargeback will be added to your account. You are responsible for your monthly debit as well as this charge before you are able to schedule future classes. If your membership is no longer serving you or bringing you joy, please see options below.

What do I do if I need to cancel my membership before my contract is up?

Memberships are contractual. If you need to terminate your contract early for any reason, you will need to email the studio. We will miss you! We will need proper documentation for your termination. 

There is a flat rate $250 early termination fee to cease auto payments and end any contracts early. The studio must be contacted 25 days before an auto debit/membership draws for any adjustments without additional fees or costs. Anything 25 days within your auto debit payment is subject to all membership fees and costs prior to early termination. 

*You will not be able to cancel your membership online. 

Square Service Fee

Square has updated its service charges as of 2023. All invoice transactions will have an automated 3% service fee.

Reminder of Existing Policies and Procedures 

All pre order clothing, in studio apparel, crystals, jewelry, decks & thrive vibes goodies etc are non returnable, non refundable and non exchangeable. 

All signature programming under  “Wild Within” or specialty workshops are non refundable, non exchangeble and non- transferable.   

Class Cancellations

There will be instances when the studio might have to cancel classes. If the studio has to cancel classes due to no fault of the client, the client will be credited the class back into their account for future use. Siren and Goddess members Possible (not limited too) reasons for class cancellations: Class minimum of at least 3 students is not met within 8 hours of the class. (Studio has discretion of whether they run a class without the 3 student minimum.) Inclement weather Studio/Instructor emergency If a class must be cancelled, the studio will email all students scheduled for the class, push out text,  and post on Facebook page and private studio FB page. Please make sure you are a part of these communication vehicles.

Proper Attire

Please see “What to Wear” section of FAQs for individual classes. Proper attire should be worn at all times. Clothing should cover all necessary areas to insure proper hygiene and not become gratuitous or vulgar. No nudity. No over-exposure of the breasts (nipples should not show). No thongs unless specified in the class description.

Photo/ Video

Thrive Embodied Arts may photograph or video during class with the permission of the students for advertising and marketing purposes. If the student do not wish for their image or video be used by Thrive Embodied Arts, please provide such request in writing to the studio at thriveembodiedarts@gmail.com or in person. The studio has the rights to use any photo or video taken in the studio unless written request not to do so is received form the student. Prior to videoing or taking photos in class, please ensure that you gain permission from other students that may be in the shot. We want to respect the privacy of all our students.

Non-Observation Policy

The studio does not allow observers in classes unless previously approved by the studio. Everyone attending class must have a paid reservation for the spot. 

As much as we love your children, Thrive is not a space for them. The studio was created for you to carve out time for well...you.

This is also for the safety and ease of the studio owner and staff. With tight quarters and Covid we must be extra careful with our limited space. We do welcome youth for certain workshops and specialty programming, specified in workshop descriptions . Any children in the studio must be for a special event or because the student is making a quick stop in the studio. Parents/guardians are responsible for the actions of children brought into the studio.

Non- Solicitation Policy

Staff members and community members abide by a non-solicitation policy, which is agreed upon in their waiver when signing up for their first class. This means Thrive Embodied Arts can not be a pick up space, place of exchange, sales, marketing or drop off space for outside businesses or any other business that is not Thrive Embodied Arts. Members and staff are not to be selling products, experiences, services and otherwise to one another, other members, students or staff while inside our space and under contract as a staff/member/ student of it. All students who enter our space abide to this contract as an exchange of their presence within the space. Those who break this policy are subject to membership or community termination, suspension or other wise.


Parties must be scheduled at least 2 weeks in advance. We will schedule parties outside of our regular class schedule. If a party is book less than 2 weeks advance notice, the refund policy is null and void. We will not give a refund on parties booked less than 2 weeks in advance. We will provide 1 opportunity to reschedule the party with 72 hours notice. Payment is required at the time of booking. Additional guests beyond the number initially provide will be charged prior to start of party. Alcoholic beverages cannot be consumed prior to party. Our Vixen Party goers are welcome to bring beverages and/or food.

Medical Emergencies 

If a student is injured or there is a medical emergency, we must halt class to assess the situation. Studio instructors/staff are required to call Emergency Services if a head, neck, or other serious injury occurs. The student must decline medical service from the Emergency Services. Studio instructors/staff cannot supply any type of medication to students or administer any type of medical treatment. We will keep ice packs on hand, but all other medical needs must be supplied and administered by the student.

Merch & Shopping

All purchases from the Thrive Vibes metaphysical shop and Thrive Threads line of apparel are non-returnable and non-refundable at this time due to Covid regulations. Thank you for understanding.


It is because of our exponentially growing community that we embody policies and guidelines in place to support our strong values and to further the experience of the collective. It is so incredible to watch our studio continue to grow and...thrive. These policies exist to protect you as well as the health of the business and the studio.

Thank you for being the best part or our sacred space. You are all the dream. We love and appreciate you and all that you bring to Thrive Embodied Arts.

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